Eeva Anttinen and Sampo Miettinen: The health and well-being of dogs are central to the work of the Nordic Kennel Union PKU

Through the Nordic Kennel Union (PKU), we can promote the health and well-being of dogs, write Eeva Anttinen, Chair of the Finnish Kennel Club's Council, and Sampo Miettinen, who is in charge of international affairs, in the blog of the Finnish Kennel Club's theme year.
PKU, founded in 1956, was founded to promote cooperation between Nordic kennel clubs, which are very similar in their dog culture. For the Finnish Kennel Club, PKU cooperation gives a lot, as responsible dog breeding and keeping in the Nordic countries is at the heart of its operations. Nordic co-operation aims to solve global issues concerning dogs by prioritising animal welfare and canine health.
You can read about everything that cooperation in PKU entails in a recent blog post, which is the second part of our blog post series for the International Year.
You can read the blog post here.
Photo: Paula Grekelä/Koiravalokuvausta Lapista