Dog Shows
Dog Shows are popular free-time activities both in Finland and abroad. More than 40 International, National and Nordic Dog Shows as well as more than 200 Group and Specialty Shows are held in Finland every year.

Dog Shows are popular free-time activities both in Finland and abroad. More than 40 International, National and Nordic Dog Shows as well as more than 200 Group and Specialty Shows are held in Finland every year.
The main purpose of dog shows is to serve breeding of dogs. Registered, identification marked pedigree dogs can participate in dog shows. At a dog show, the dog is judged by a judge who issues the dog a written critique and a quality grade.
Male dogs and bitches are judged separately. Puppies, juniors, intermediate dogs and adult dogs as well as champions and veterans are judged in respective classes. A breeders class may also be presented at a dog show, and a progeny class at specialty shows.
Are you planning on entering your dog to a dog show in Finland? Please visit the Finnish Kennel Club’s Event Calendar to find dog shows.
There are five types of official dog shows in Finland, where certificates are awarded:
• International Dog Show
• National All Breed Dog Show
• Nordic Dog Show
• Group Show
• Specialty Show
At International and National All Breed Dog Shows, all breeds recognized in Finland are judged. It can be a one-day show, where all breed groups are judged on the same day, or a two-day show (or longer), where some groups are judged on the first day and others on the second. A Group Show is a show for only a few breed groups, while Specialty Shows are often only for a few specific breeds or sometimes for even just one.
There are also some unofficial dog show types in Finland. At these shows, no certificates are awarded. Unofficial dog show types are
More information on dog shows, rules, instructions and entering can be found on this website.
NB! Please, get acquainted with the Finnish Kennel Club's regulations about vaccinations and infectious diseases before entering your dog to a dog show in Finland.
Forms in english
Regulations and instructions in english