Dogs enjoy spending time with their owners and long for activities they can share in together with their owner. The most important thing is that both you and your dog have fun and enjoy your time together.
Dogs enjoy spending time with their owners and long for activities they can share in together with their owner. The most important thing is that both you and your dog have fun and enjoy your time together.
The Finnish Kennel Club is an umbrella organisation for more than 2,000 canine societies and can reach more than 500,000 dog enthusiasts through them. A suitable hobby for each and every one can surely be found among the more 70 different trial and competition forms in Finland. Having an interest does however not necessarily mean that one must set competitions as a goal.
Finnish Kennel Club has 19 local subsections, kennel districts. Kennel districts arrange activities for dog owners, as do the breed clubs. Breed clubs are worth contacting specially to find a hobby that is suitable for your own breed.
Shows, trials and competitions are extremely popular in Finland. The annual number of dog show entries exceeds 200,000, while trials attract some 160,000 entries.
The first dog show in Finland was arranged in 1891.
Find dog shows, trials and competitions in the Finnish Kennel Club's Event Calendar.
NB! Please, get acquainted with the Finnish Kennel Club's regulations about vaccinations and infectious diseases before entering your dog to an event.