The Finnish Kennel Club started reading dog activities in Finland in 2017 in cooperation with the City Library of the City of Mikkeli. Everyone joining the activities receives the same basic level training.

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Pedigree supports Finnish Kennel Club's reading dog activities.

What kind of a dog is suitable for the Finnish Kennel Club’s reading dog?

The Finnish Kennel Club’s reading dog must be at least two years old, a healthy and human-friendly dog that has a nature suited to becoming a reading dog. Dogs included in the activities must also be able to work in the proximity of other dogs. The dog should have a good and trusting relationship with its instructor. The dog already has experience with different people, places and situations. The dog must be calm among strangers. Dogs joining the reading dog activities must be in the Finnish 
Kennel Club’s dog register or in the FIX register with an identification marking.

The reading dog instructors must be over 18 and members of the Finnish Kennel Club. They must understand the requirements of the activities and the spirit of volunteering. The reading dog instructor must complete the Finnish Kennel Club’s reading dog course, commit to the agreed upon operating methods and act accordingly.