Finnish Show Champion

To gain the title of Finnish Show Champion, a dog must be awarded with at least three certificates from dog shows in Finland under three different judges. At least one of these certificates must be obtained at the minimum age of 24 months, regardless of the class in which the dog has competed. In addition, there are possible breed-specific trial result requirements.

However, if a dog has obtained a Show Champion title at the minimum age of 24 months in some other country, only one certificate from Finland as well as possible additional breed-specific requirements are required for the Finnish Show Champion title. A certificate which the dog may have achieved in Finland while under the age of 24 months counts towards the title of Finnish Show Champion.

Finnish Junior Show Champion (FI JCH)

To receive the title Finnish Junior Show Champion, the dog must be awarded three Junior Certificates in Finland under three different judges.  No trial merits are required for the title. 

Possible Junior Show Champion titles from other countries do not count towards the Finnish Junior Show Champion title. (Valid as of 1.1.2022).

Finnish Veteran Show Champion (FI VCH)

To receive the title Finnish Veteran Show Champion, the dog must be awarded three Veteran Certificates in Finland under three different judges. No trial merits are required for the title. 

Possible Veteran Show Champion titles from other countries do not count towards the Finnish Veteran Show Champion title. (Valid as of 1.1.2022).

Nordic Show Champion title (NORDIC CH)

The new Nordic Show Champion title NORDIC CH replaces the former Nordic Show Champion title (NORD CH) which required three national champion titles from Nordic countries. As of 1st January 2020, only the new regulations apply.

To become a Nordic Show Champion (NORDIC CH):

  • The dog must be a national show champion in the country where the dog is registered.
  • The dog must have obtained three Nordic Show Certificates from three different Nordic countries, awarded by three different judges. At least one of the Nordic Show Certificates must be received at the minimum age of 24 months.

The application for the title Nordic Show Champion must be submitted to the kennel club of the country where the dog is registered. If the dog is registered outside the Nordic countries, the application is made to the kennel club in the country where the last certificate was received.

Until 1st January 2020, a dog can gain both the title NORD CH as well as the title NORDIC CH. Applications for the old NORD CH title can still be made during 2020, provided that the dog has achieved merits required for the old title (three national champion titles from three different Nordic countries) before 1.1.2020.


When applying for a Championship title for a dog in a foreign register, a copy of the dog’s pedigree, copies of possible granted champion titles as well as a possible Working Class Certificate must be attached to the application.

You’ll find the application forms below. Applications can be sent by mail to

Finnish Kennel Club
Championship titles
P.O. BOX 20
79101 Leppävirta

or scanned by e-mail to


The form can be filled and saved
The Finnish Kennel Club’s Champion Title application form
Please use this form when applying for a Finnish Champion title for your dog. The form is used for applications for both Working and Show Champion titles. Fill out the form and email it to You can also mail it to Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta.
Updated 12.12.2024
Kennelliiton valionarvon hakemuslomake
Tällä lomakkeella haetaan Suomen käyttö- tai muotovalion arvoa koiralle. Täytetty lomake lähetetään sähköpostitse osoitteeseen tai postitse osoitteeseen Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta.
Blankett för ansökan om championat hos Finska Kennelklubben
Ansökan om finskt utställnings- eller brukschampionat görs på denna blankett. Den ifyllda blanketten skickas antingen per e-post till adressen eller per post till Showlink, PB 20, 79101 Leppävirta.
The Finnish Kennel Club’s Champion Title application form
Please use this form when applying for a Finnish Champion title for your dog. The form is used for applications for both Working and Show Champion titles. Fill out the form and email it to You can also mail it to Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta.
The form can be filled and saved
Application form for the International Beauty Champion title C.I.B. and C.I.E.
Please use this form when applying for an International Beauty Champion title for a dog without working trial merits. For dogs with no working trial merits, a minimum of four CACIBs are required for the International Beauty Champion title. Fill out the form and mail it to Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta or email it to If your place of residence is not in Finland, please send the form to the national kennel club in your country.
Updated 18.1.2019
Kansainvälisen muotovalionarvon hakemuslomake, CIB & CIE
Tällä lomakkeella haetaan kansainvälistä muotovalionarvoa sellaisille koirille, jolla ei ole käyttötulosta. Ilman käyttötulosta kansainvälisen muotovalionarvoon vaaditaan vähintään 4 CACIBia.
Täytetty lomake lähetetään joko postitse osoitteeseen Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta tai sähköpostitse osoitteeseen
Blankett för ansökan om internationellt utställningschampionat, C.I.B. och C.I.E.
Ansökan om internationellt utställningschampionat för hund som inte har arbetsmerit görs på denna blankett. Vid ansökan om internationellt utställningschampionat utan arbetsmerit krävs minst 4 CACIB. Den ifyllda blanketten skickas antingen per post till Showlink, PB 20, 79101 Leppävirta, eller per e-post till adressen
Application form for the International Beauty Champion title C.I.B. and C.I.E.
Please use this form when applying for an International Beauty Champion title for a dog without working trial merits. For dogs with no working trial merits, a minimum of four CACIBs are required for the International Beauty Champion title. Fill out the form and mail it to Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta or email it to If your place of residence is not in Finland, please send the form to the national kennel club in your country.
The form can be filled and saved
Application form for the International Working Champion title C.I.T. (hunting dogs)
Please use this form when applying for the International Working Champion title C.I.T. for a dog in FCI group 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8, with results gained in hunting trials. Fill out the form and mail it to Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta or email it to If your place of residence is not in Finland, please send the form to the national kennel club in your country.
Updated 18.1.2019
Kansainvälisen käyttövalionarvon hakemuslomake (metsästyskoirat)
Tällä lomakkeella haetaan kansainvälistä käyttövalionarvoa roturyhmien 3, 4, 5, 6 ja 8 koirille, joiden näytöt tulevat metsästyskoirakokeista. Täytetty lomake lähetetään joko postitse osoitteeseen Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta tai sähköpostitse osoitteeseen
Ansökan om internationellt bruks-/jaktchampionat (jakthundar) C.I.T.
Denna blankett används vid ansökan om internationellt jakt-/brukschampionat för hundar i rasgrupper 3, 4, 5, 6 och 8 med provmeriter tagna i jaktprov. Den ifyllda blanketten skickas antingen per post till Showlink, PB 20, 79101 Leppävirta, eller per e-post till adressen
Application form for the International Working Champion title C.I.T. (hunting dogs)
Please use this form when applying for the International Working Champion title C.I.T. for a dog in FCI group 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8, with results gained in hunting trials. Fill out the form and mail it to Showlink, PL 20,79101 Leppävirta or email it to If your place of residence is not in Finland, please send the form to the national kennel club in your country.
The form can be filled and saved
Request to turn a reserve CACIB into a CACIB
A dog owner can request that a reserve CACIB is changed to a CACIB by using this form. The request can be made if the owner of the dog awarded with a CACIB announces that his or her dog does not need the CACIB.
Updated 30.5.2018
Anomuslomake Vara-CACIBin muuttamiseksi CACIBiksi
Tällä lomakkeella koiranomistaja voi anoa Vara-CACIBin muuttamista CACIBiksi. Näin voidaan tehdä, jos näyttelyssä CACIBin saaneen koiran omistaja ilmoittaa, ettei kyseinen koira tarvitse CACIBia.
Ansökan om att omvandla reserv-CACIB till CACIB
Med denna blankett kan hundägaren ansöka om att reserv-CACIB omvandlas till CACIB. Ansökan kan göras om ägaren till hunden som tilldelats CACIB meddelar att hunden inte behöver CACIB.
Application form to turn a reserve CACIB to a CACIB
A dog owner can request that a reserve CACIB is changed to a CACIB by using this form. The request can be made if the owner of the dog awarded with a CACIB announces that his or her dog does not need the CACIB.

Rules and instructions

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For instructions regarding international Championship titles, please visit the FCI website.