Finnish Spitz Best in Show at Voittaja Winner 2018 dog show

Dog Fair Finland had altogether 37,000 visitors over the weekend. The event was a success and the highlight of the year for several dog enthusiasts. Finnish Spitz Loukkaharjun Aito Lempi was appointed as Best in Show at Voittaja Winner 2018 – e Finnish Winner show – held on Sunday. The dog is owned by Päivi Silomäki and Toivo and Anni Lielahti. The Best in Show dog at this international show was chosen by Leni Finne, Finland.
– The event was visited by several families and the number of visitors exceeded the expectations of the organizers, enthuses Markku Mähönen, the Executive Manager for the Finnish Kennel Club.
Almost 15,000 wagging tails were at Messukeskus, Expo and Convention Centre Helsinki.
The events of the big ring were hosted, now for the first time, by Juha Palosaari and Virpi Pesonen, who both did an excellent job. The live stream was hosted, in Finnish and in English, by Anna Ravila and Michael Laub.
The Dog of the Year, the Breeder of the Year, and the Veteran of the Year were also awarded at the show. The Dog of the Year 2018 is Bichon Frisé Jitterbop Clap Your Hands, owner Marella Närkki. The Breeder of the Year 2018 is Ari and Taina Friman's kennel Peikkovuoren, known for its Finnish Lapphunds. The Veteran of the Year 2018 is Lapponian Herder Suukkosuun Shamaani, owners are Sari Laitinen and Pinja Hiltunen.
The Finnish Champion 2018 in Junior Handling is Lotta Nykänen. The Finnish Championship final was judged by Patrick Oware, Norway.
Best in Show Breeders Group was Bearded Collies from Nina Brusin’s kennel Memorylane. The judge was Laurent Pichard, Switzerland. The BIS Breeders Group of the puppy show was a group of Keeshonds from Petri Turunen's kennel Eerondaali.
As Best in Show Puppy at Voittaja Puppy Show was chosen, for the second time during the same weekend, Ars Viva Tramontana, owner Olga Aleksashina. The Lakeland Terrier also won the Royal Canin Puppy Cup final held later the same day. Kimmo Mustonen was the Best in Show judge at Voittaja Puppy Show. Saija Juutilainen chose the winner of Royal Canin Puppy Cup.
The Best in Show Veteran of Voittaja Winner was Riikka Aholampi’s Golden Retriever Daily Rays Charming Star.
Nearly 7,000 dogs were entered to Voittaja Winner and about 900 puppies to Voittaja Puppy Show, of which the latter was also the last trial competition for Royal Canin Puppy Cup.
Complete results for Voittaja Winner 2018 can be found here
Video recordings from Dog Fair Finland 2018 can be found here
Finnish Spitz Loukkaharjun Aito Lempi was Best in Show of Voittaja Winner 2018. The winner was congratuled by judge Leni Finne, Chair of the Winner Show Committee, Royal Canin Dual Sales Manager PRO Riitta Niemelä, Country Manager for Agria Eläinvakuutus Anna Linder and Chair of the Finnish Kennel Club's Board Harri Lehkonen. Also in the background, Dog of the Year Jitterbop Clap Your Hands and its breeder Jaana Kauppinen. Photo: Jukka Pätynen
Dog of the Year 2018 was Bichon Frisé Jitterbop Clap Your Hands, in the photo together with its owner Marella Närkki and breeder Jaana Kauppinen. Royal Canin Dual Sales Manager PRO Riitta Niemelä, Country Manager for Agria Eläinvakuutus Anna Linder and the Chair of the Finnish Kennel Club’s Board Harri Lehkonen awarded the prize. Photo: Jukka Pätynen
Bearded Collies from kennel Memorylane were BIS Breeders Group on Sunday. Photo: Jukka Pätynen
Riikka Aholampi’s Golden Retriever Daily Rays Charming Star was BIS Veteran on Sunday. Photo: Jukka Pätynen
Lotta Nykänen is the new Finnish Champion in Junior Handling. Photo: DogXpress