The first ever FCI Rally Obedience World Championship is held in Finland 2024

Finland will have the honour of hosting the first FCI Obedience World Championship in history on 28th–29th September 2024. The competition takes place in Royal Canin Areena in Lieto, a town within close proximity to Turku.
The eyes of the Rally Obedience world will turn towards Finland in autumn 2024, when Finland has the honour of hosting the first ever FCI Rally Obedience World Championship. The organizer of this historic event is the Finnish Working Dog Association Suomen Palveluskoiraliitto. A local club, Turun Seudun Agilityurheilijat, is in charge of practical arrangements. The FCI's Commission for Rally Obedience is also going to have its meeting in Finland in connection with the competition.
Finland has solid experience in organizing international prestigious events. For instance, the Nordic Championship in Rally Obedience 2022, the Nordic Championship in Obedience in 2021, and the FCI Obedience World Championship in 2014 have all been held in Finland. In addition, the Nordic Championship in Dog Dancing is going to be held at Koiramessut – Dog Fair Finland in Messukeskus, Expo and Convention Centre Helsinki in December.
Rally Obedience is a dog sport created in the United States of America in the early 2000’s. It combines elements from Obedience, Agility, and Dog Dancing. In Rally Obedience, a happy cooperation between the dog and its handler, rather than a meticulously correct or straight position when heeling, is what is most important. The dog may be directed both verbally and using hand gestures, and the dog can be encouraged during the whole course. In Rally Obedience, different exercises are performed (including sit, stand, down, heeling in different speeds and with different turns) in an order determined by signs, on a course planned by a judge.