The board of the Finnish Kennel Club (FKC) has decided to introduce new restrictions due to the war in Ukraine in a meeting on 4 March.

The Russian Federations invasion of Ukraine is shocking news to us all. The Finnish Kennel Club strongly condemns this attack. Nothing is gained by war.

Our strong support is on the Ukrainians’ side at this terrible moment when their freedom and right to self-determination are endangered. We express our support especially to the Ukrainian Kennel Club, its members and all our friends in Ukraine. We understand that the situation is also very difficult for Russian dog enthusiasts, if they want to further peaceful international co-operation.

The FKC will not send any representatives to dog events held in Russia or Belarus during this wartime. Finnish judges cannot judge at shows and events in Rurrisa or Belarus. We also urge Finnish dog enthusiasts not to take part in dog events in these countries.

Russian or Belarusian judges and officials are not allowed to judge at show or other events under the FKC. For the moment Russian or Belarusian dog owners cannot enter their dogs in shows or other events under the FKC.

Registration of dogs with pedigrees registered at the Russian Kynological Federation (RKF) or the Belorussian Kynological Union (BCU) is postponed as from 15 March by the FKC. We urge the owners of dogs imported from Russia or Belarus to register their dogs to the FKC immediately, if they have planned to register their dogs in Finland.

The Finnish Kennel Club has decided to donate 20,000 euros to the FCI fund supporting the Ukrainian Kennel Club and dogs in Ukraine.

Photo: AP/Lehtikuva