The Finnish Kennel Club transfers 32 Lappish breed dogs to its not-for-breeding registry

The Finnish Kennel Club transfers 28 Finnish Lapphunds and 4 Lapponian Herders to the Finnish Kennel Club’s studbook for dogs not to be used for breeding (EJ registry). The transfer is based on a decision made by the Finnish Kennel Club's Board on 22nd November 2019.
According to the decision, Finnish Lapphunds and Lapponian Herders from a total of 15 litters are transferred to the EJ register, unless the parentage of these dog is confirmed before 30th June 2020.
In total, six dogs were tested before the deadline. After the deadline, a total of 27 dogs are transferred to the EJ registry and pedigree data of these dogs is deleted. In addition, a litter born last year to a dog, that was included in the original decision of the Board, is also transferred to the EJ registry.
The parentage of three tested dogs was proven to be correct. The parentage of the three other tested dogs turned out to be incorrect. These dogs did not descend from neither of the parents originally recorded in their pedigrees. The parentage of other dogs was not tested at all. If the parentage of these dogs is confirmed later, a dog can be transferred back to the Finnish Kennel Club's FI or ER registry.
Some dogs included in the Board’s decision were already registered in the EJ registry. Pedigree data is deleted from these dogs as well.
The breed club Lappalaiskoirat ry expressed its concerns regarding the accuracy of parentage of 15 Lappish breed litters, the well-being of dogs taken into care as well as possible future breeding use of these dogs to the Finnish Kennel Club’s Board.
Doubts regarding the truthfulness of pedigrees were based on animal welfare inspections carried out in the kennel that bred the litters as well as on the fact that dogs were taken into care as a result of these inspections. The hope was to stop the breeding use of dogs with incorrect pedigrees as soon as possible.
- We feel that such acts of negligence by a breeder are very serious. The truthfulness of a dog’s parentage is the foundation of pedigree dog breeding. Taking care of this should be self-evident to every breeder. The goal of our breed club is to promote the breeding of healthy pedigree dogs of Lappish breeds, Sari Laitinen, chair of Lappalaiskoirat ry, underlines.
Parentage analysis of a dog requires a DNA sample of the dog itself, but also of the sire and the dam. The sample is taken by a veterinarian or a person who has been authorized for this task by the Finnish Kennel Club. The Finnish Kennel Club reimburses the costs for sample taking and laboratory analysis, if the Finnish Kennel Club is the one that has requested parentage analysis and if the parentage is proven to be correct.
More information on parentage analysis is available in Finnish on the Finnish Kennel Club’s website.
Finnish Lapphunds and Lapponian Herders transferred to the EJ registry (Finnish Kennel Club’s not-for-breeding registry)
For more information
Päivi Rantasalo
Breeding Consultant
tel. +358 9 8873 0229
Hanna Kaasalainen
Breeding Secretary
tel. +358 9 8873 0213
Chair of Lappalaiskoirat ry
Sari Laitinen
tel. +358 44 029 0013