Scottish Terrier Best in Show at Helsinki Winner 2023

Scottish Terrier Quaint Theofilo Best in Show at Helsinki Winner 2023. The dog is owned by Arja Tuuliniemi. The Best in Show judge was Moa Persson from Sweden. 7356 dogs were entered to Saturday’s shows, 850 of these competed in Helsinki Winner Puppy Show.
Best in Show Veteran was Scottish Terrier Sirkiss Storyville, owners Nina and Ville Maalahti. Best in Show Veteran was chosen by Kari Järvinen. Best Breeder’s group was Eija Nurmela and John Nieminen's Miniature Schnauzers, judge was Svend Lovenkjaer, Denmark.
The results of Helsinki Winner 2023 dog show can be found here.
342 different breeds were represented at today's show. Most dogs were entered in the breeds Labrador Retriever (104), Shetland Sheepdog (86), Golden Retriever (79), Whippet (75), and Finnish Lapponian Dog (70).
Dogs from 12 different countries participated at the show. Most foreign participants came from Sweden (276) and Estonia (188). Participants with the longest trip to the show came from Greece.
The last qualifying competition to the Finnish Championship final in Junior Handling was also held during the show. The competition was judged by Tiia Virtanen. The competitors were divided into two age groups. The winner of the younger age group was Pihla Hainari. The winner of the older age group was Aino Roth. The Best Junior Handler of the Day was chosen from winners of both age groups. Pihla Hainari, winner of the age group for 10 to 13 year olds, goes on to compete in Sunday’s Finnish Championship Final.
Helsinki Winner Puppy Show 2023 with 850 entered puppies was held today at Dog Fair Finland. Judge Perttu Ståhlberg chose Eija Nurmela and John Nieminen’s Miniature Schnauzer Big Paw’s Xcotic Candy as Best in Show.
Best in Show at Helsinki Winner Puppy Show was Eija Nurmela and John Nieminen’s Miniature Schnauzer Big Paw’s Xcotic Candy. Photo: DogXpress / Petri Örling
Best in Show Breeders’ Group at Helsinki Winner Puppy Show was a group of Whippets from Nina Viskari’s kennel Belltown. Judge Kirsi Sainio. Photo: DogXpress / Petri Örling
Best in Show at Helsinki Winner 2023 was Scottish Terrier Quaint Theofilo, owned by Arja Tuuliniemi. The Best in Show rosette was handed out by Moa Persson, accompanied by Royal Canin Account Manager Pro Riitta Niemelä, Sales Manager for Agria Eläinvakuutus Jan Waronen, and Chair of the Winner Show Committee Kimmo Mustonen. Photo: Jukka Pätynen/
Best in Show Breeders’ Group was Eija Nurmela and John Nieminen’s Big Paw’s Miniature Schnauzers. The Best in Show Breeders’ Group was chosen by Svend Lovenkjaer, Denmark. Photo: DogXpress / Heidi Örling
Best in Show Veteran was Scottish Terrier Sirkiss Storyville, owners Nina and Ville Maalahti. Best in Show Veteran was chosen by Kari Järvinen. Photo: DogXpress / Heidi Örling
The winner of the junior handling competition was Pihla Hainari and judge Tiia Virtanen. Photo: DogXpress / Heidi Örling