How to find what I’m looking for?
Welcome to use the new search functions for forms as well as rules and regulations.

Welcome to use the new search functions for forms as well as rules and regulations.
If you know the title of the document you are searching for, you can start by writing the name of the form in the uppermost search field. When you press Enter or click Search, you can see the documents that can be found with the keyword you have written, under the title Forms with the search term xxx.
Under the search field, you will find suggestions on documents with the same combination of letters that have been written in the search field. The more you write, the more accurate suggestions you will get. If the document you have searched for appears in the suggestions, you can click on the form’s name in the list of suggestions. The chosen document will now appear under the title Form chosen from the search.
There may be different versions of the same document. In this case, you can find the title Other versions under the document title written in blue. By clicking Other versions, you will see previous versions of this document. You can open the document by clicking its title.
If there is another version of the document in some other language, you can open this version by clicking the flag of your choosing.
If it is possible to download the document, you can see an icon stating this on the left side of the document's title.
If it is possible to open and fill out the form on your computer, you can see an icon stating this on the left side of the document's title.
In the drop-down menus Forms by theme or Rules and regulations by theme, you can choose to sort the documents by theme. When you have chosen a theme from the drop-down menu, more filtering options within the theme in question will appear. These will filter the documents more accurately.
In the drop-down menu Forms by target group, you can choose to filter documents according to intended target groups. Once you have chosen a target group, the search results are filtered accordingly.
By clicking on Reset options, you can reset options in the drop-down menus.