Rottweiler Best in Show at Voittaja Winner 2023

More than 15,000 dogs were seen in Messukeskus, Expo and Convention Centre Helsinki over the weekend in dog shows, breed presentations, and presentations on different dog sports. Koiramessut – Dog Fair Finland offered lots of programme for the whole family. Government Working Dogs of the Year and Hero Dogs were awarded at the fair, as per tradition.
More than 30,400 people in total visited Dog Fair Finland over the weekend.
Hundreds of volunteers representing different dog clubs helped with the building of and other arrangements at Dog Fair Finland. Many thanks to everyone involved!
Best in Show at the Finnish Winner show Voittaja Winner 2023 was Heizelwood Runo, owner Niina Haataja. Best in Show was chosen by Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari.
7,536 dogs were entered to the Finnish Winner show Voittaja Winner 2023. 850 dogs were entered to today's Voittaja Puppy Show 2023.
The results from Voittaja Winner 2023 dog show can be found here.
342 different breeds were represented at today's show. Most dogs were entered in the breeds Labrador Retriever (98), Shetland Sheepdog (95), Whippet (91), English Springer Spaniel (75), and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (73).
Dogs from 12 different countries participated at the show. Most foreign participants came from Sweden (294) and Estonia (212). Participants with the longest trip to the show came from Greece.
Best in Show Veteran at Voittaja Winner was Newfoundland Wave Seeker’s Shoot For The Moon, owner Susanna Oksanen. The Best in Show Veteran was chosen by Barbara Müller, Switzerland.
Tarja Hovila's group of Adamant’s English Springer Spaniels was chosen as the Best Breeders’ Group by Tamas Jakkel, Hungary.
The Finnish Champion 2023 in Junior Handling is Jonas Sotala. The Finnish Championship competition was judged by Rickard Hagström, Sweden.
Hero Dogs were awarded at the fair, as per tradition. Every year, the Finnish Kennel Club awards the title Sankarikoira, Hero Dog, to dogs that have significantly contributed to saving one or more human lives. This year, the title of Hero Dog was granted to 22 dogs. The prizes were awarded by Toni Lahtinen from Team Rokka, Honorary Chair of The Finnish Kennel Club Helena Suni, and Country Manager for Agria Eläinvakuutus Heidi Elomaa. More information about Hero Dogs can be found here (in Finnish).
This year, the Nordic Championships in Heelwork to Music and Freestyle were held in connection with Dog Fair Finland. Both team and individual competitions in Heelwork to Music and Freestyle were seen at the Arena of Messukeskus. The competitions were held on both days of the fair. On Saturday, team Finland won silver in Heelwork to music and silver in Freestyle. Denmark's team took home the victory in Heelwork to Music and Sweden’s team in Freestyle. Finland won silver in Heelwork to Music and Freestyle in Sunday’s final. Denmark won the competition in Heelwork to Music and Sweden in Freestyle. More information can be found on the Facebook page of the event.
The programme of Dog Fair Finland culminated in the dog show group finals at the Arena of Messukeskus.
Voittaja Puppy Show 2023 with more than 850 entered puppies was held today at Dog Fair Finland. Judge Marjatta Pylvänäinen-Suorsa chose Tarja Luusua’s Whippet Belltown No Limits as Best in Show.
The most successful show dogs, breeders and veterans of 2023 were awarded at the show. Show Dog of the Year 2023 is braque du bourbonnais Gizmo Mazas Brolis, owners Marjo Viinikka and Tilda Rinne. Breeder of the Year 2023 was awarded to Tarja Hovila's kennel Adamant’s with English Springer Spaniels. Veteran of the Year 2023 is Hanna and Laura Kukkola's American Akita Inuline Hard As A Rock.
Best in Show at Voittaja Winner 2023 was Heizelwood Runo, owner Niina Haataja. Best in Show judge was Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari. With her in the ceremonies Chair of the Winner Show Committee Kimmo Mustonen, Chair of the Finnish Kennel Club’s Board Esa Kukkonen, Royal Canin Account Manager Pro Riitta Niemelä, and Country Manager for Agria Eläinvakuutus Heidi Elomaa. Photo: Jukka Pätynen /
Best in Show Veteran at Voittaja Winner was Newfoundland Wave Seeker’s Shoot For The Moon, owner Susanna Oksanen. Judge was Barbara Müller, Switzerland. Photo: DogXpress / Heidi Örling.
Best in Show Breeders’ Group was Tarja Hovila's group of Adamant’s English Springer Spaniels. Photo: DogXpress / Heidi Örling.
The Finnish Champion 2023 in Junior Handling is Jonas Sotala. The Finnish Championship competition was judged by Rickard Hagström, Ruotsi. Photo: DogXpress / Heidi Örling.
Best in Show at Voittaja Puppy Show was Tarja Luusua's Whippet Belltown No Limits. Photo: DogXpress / Petri Örling.
Best in Show Breeders’ Group at Voittaja Puppy Show was a group of Whippets from Nina Viskari’s kennel Belltown. Judge was Perttu Ståhlberg. Photo: DogXpress / Petri Örling.
The Show Dog of the Year, the Veteran of the Year, and the Breeder of the Year were awarded in connection with the final competitions of the Finnish Winner Show.
Next year, Dog Fair Finland is held on 7–8.12.2023. Welcome!